Titanic: Icy Atlantic
Status: Pre-Production
Players: 1-8
Genre: Survival, turn-based
April 14th 1912, 11:40pm: in the cold and dark North Atlantic, RMS Titanic has just hit an iceberg. 6 watertight compartments have been breached - she will founder. Your only hope for survival is to reach the lifeboats on A-Deck. Will you make a mad dash to safety, or will you stay on deck and help save as many souls as you can?
Titanic: Icy Atlantic is a survival game for 1 to 8 people where players decide how they want play. There is no preset win condition. The Titanic will sink in less than 3 hours. Her 20 lifeboats can hold only 1,178 of her 2,240 passengers and crew. You can make a beeline for the lifeboats to save yourself. You can even betray other players along the way, ensuring your own survival. However, like so many of the real heroes during that night to remember, you can stay on deck and help coordinate the evacuation.
706 people survived her sinking - can you rescue up to 1,178 or will you do whatever it takes to save yourself? Of course, there’s always opportunities for a change of heart! After evacuating into a lifeboat, you can turn back to heroically rescue swimmers or paddle away to avoid being capsized.
We intend on using scans of Alexander Carlisle/Thomas Andrew’s real Titanic blueprints for a multi-level gameboard. As the sinking progresses, lower decks will flood and become off limits. Player characters begin in a historically accurate position (1st class passenger in an E-Deck stateroom, 3rd class passengers on F-Deck). You can recruit historical figures to your party (Thomas Andrews, William Murdoch, Molly Brown etc…) and give orders to NPCs.
Do you order the engineers to stay below deck to keep Titanic’s lights on, or will you rush them up to A-Deck to join the evacuation? If the boiler room floods, you’ll have to turn out the lights in your game room and place candles into special positions on the gameboard! As Titanic sinks further into the cold depths, panic will spread and NPCs may behave unpredictably.
We want to be respectful to the passengers and crew of RMS Titanic. Players will be given generic roles (“1st class male”, “2nd class female”) to ensure that dishonorable players don’t disrespect real people. NPCs will match their real life counterparts. For example, Thomas Andrews and William Murdoch will refuse to enter lifeboats, saving others over themselves. In lifeboats, Molly Brown will oppose attempts to abandon swimmers. NPCs can use stats bonuses and special abilities to help. Mr. Andrews high intelligence score can turn a difficult question into multiple choice. Edward Smith’s high leadership score can prevent panic within a near radius.
Gameplay will consist of Titanic themed trivia questions, puzzles, and resource management. If a player answers a question incorrectly or fails to solve a puzzle in time, you can steal the question. Get it right and you can either gift your opponent their turn back or steal their turn to save your own skin! You can also sacrifice your turn to help nearby women and children.
The core theme of Icy Atlantic is Hope vs Despair. Players will learn that the way we conduct ourselves matters more than our ultimate fates. When the sinking is complete, you’ll have to decide if you’re proud of the way you played the game.
Please note that we may put our Pre-Production titles on hiatus to focus on extensions for our core title.
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