The Dream Team

Michael Stramaglia - CEO, Chief Playtester, Head of Data & AI, Lead Designer

Michael did his undergraduate in Applied Mathematics at the University of Waterloo and is currently studying Artificial Intelligence at the University of Toronto. Playing games with children at Families for Children Orphanage (FFC) in India showed inspired him to design his own games. He loves the outdoors and believes in using game design to celebrate nature. He has won numerous Magic the Gathering tournaments and regularly publishes strategy articles. Outside of Bright Sword Studio he has worked as a mathematician and computer programmer.

Theo Landegger - Senior Playtester and Data & AI Analyst

Theo, perhaps better known as Squible, studied Computer Science and AI at Northeastern University. He has won over 100 gaming tournaments, and is considered the greatest player in the history of Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl. He uses his championship experience to bring unparalleled insight to our cutting edge playtests. His combination of high level mathematical ability and professional gaming experience makes him excellent at designing combo based gameplay and mapping macro strategies.


Justin Ford - Senior Advisor

Justin Ford is the founder and CEO of Javelin Sports, which is one of the 50 largest adult recreational sports clubs in North America. He has been working in the sports and entertainment industry for 8 years and is also an advisor on He graduated from the Ivey School of Business after studying two year of mathematics. His advanced business acumen has helped him scale multiple businesses to multi-million revenue.